Life In Belfast

A great city to live, work, study and play!

Living In Belfast

Living in the Capital of Northern Ireland has changed beyond recognition in the past 20 years. The city continues to undergo substantial regeneration and is striving to become the cosmopolitan hub of Northern Ireland. If you are thinking of upping sticks and making the move aiming for a better life in Belfast, read on!

Working In Belfast

In the past Northern Ireland has struggled to attract major investment and to offer high calibre jobs but in the digital age, life in Belfast and all around Northern Ireland is changing. Like Dublin who have attracted the likes of Apple, Google and Microsoft, Belfast is attracting its own set of global employers such as US Insurance Giant AllState and Concentrix, a global business services company specializing in customer engagement. The docklands area of the City known as the Titanic Quarter is fast expanding to become home to hi-tech, television, radio, media, entertainment, law firms and Northern Ireland's film industry. If you have the skills, the right job could be waiting here for you in areas such as construction, education, IT & Computing, law, Consulting, finance and hospitality. Starting your search for employment can be just a few clicks away with websites such as Indeed or NI jobs, or by registering with one of Belfast's many employment / recruitment agencies. DfC one of Northern Ireland's government department's also advertises job fairs throughout the year giving you access to potential employers. It is expected that the city's economy will continue to grow creating more demand for job talent. So, if you fancy living in a vibrant city, one that embraces its culture and which boasts a low cost of living, then life in Belfast could be for you!

Studying In Belfast

Studying In Belfast

This modern city offers a range of courses, training and degrees through its education establishments and partners. The city is now home to two renowned universities Queen's University and Ulster University. Also in the city centre are the offices to the Open University. If reading for a degree is not for you then there is always the city's colleges or vocation training. Belfast Metropolitan College know as the MET now has its main building in Titanic Quarter but also has buildings at its Millfield and Castlereagh sites. SERC or South Eastern Regional College whilst not based in the city provides courses at its Ards, Lisburn and Bangor which some residents may choose to avail of. Whilst vocational training is available in local colleges, the NI Apprenticeships Scheme is operated by Northern Ireland's Department for the Economy DfE. For full details and benefits of this scheme, simply search NI Apprenticeships

Going Out In Belfast

Going Out In Belfast

The city offers something for everyone, so if your looking for family fun, church activities or painting the town red, its covered! If you're new to the city then take at look at our essential city guide, then hit the city's top attractions and landmarks. Explore it fine dining, cafes and shopping. In the past the city has attracted top attractions such as the Giro D'italia an the Tall Ships Race, so keep you eyes peeled at our 'What's on in Belfast' section for the latest events free and paid. At the time of writing this article the city hosts a continental market twice a year once in May and at Christmas, it hosts the River Rock City Marathon on the Sunday before Mayday and hosts a maritime festival in Titanic Quarter every May. With the NI film industry in full bloom the city also benefits from world wide exposure and tourist attractions have sprung up to hail the success of films and TV series such as Game of Thrones. In fact new installations have been erected around Belfast following the end of the US Series. The city also boasts excellent leisure facilities, golf clubs, yacht and sailing clubs for the more energetic of you. With art galleries, museums, theatres and cinemas for those of you wishing to go out to relax and socialise. On Sundays why not visit one of Belfast churches or even its cathedral Saint Anne's. One of the most popular churches in the city is the Metropolitan Tabernacle at Whitewell. The church which is evangelical has thousands of parishioners worship and is well known in the city for its choir. Whether you're living in Belfast or just visiting there is something for everyone!

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Living in East Belfast

In addition to news, property, shopping, entertainment, marketing and photos from the East of the City, why not share your stories, experiences and classified listings, simply publish them to the platform of your choice. Ps remember to follow us on social media!

Living in South Belfast

For some of the finest shops, restaurants, cultural and entertainment facilities go south! The south of the city has great parks such as the Botanic Gardens and Ormeau Park. It is home to Queens University, Ulster Museum and is home to many goings on! Why not share your experiences of the South of the City on our new platform. Ps. Remember to Follow us on Twitter and Like on on Facebook.

Living in North Belfast

The Capital is an exciting place to live and socialise with its vast range of Christian Churches, cafes and restaurants. You can share your experiences and news on this exciting new platform serving the North of the City. Soon you will be able to list events, post classified ads and publish your content on site. Support us now, Like us on Facebook & Follow us on Twitter

Living in West Belfast

Enjoy the culture, events and news from the west of the city, which includes famous roads such as the Falls Road, Shankill Road and their murals. Our new vibrant site aims to encourage users to publish their content on the platform and to become budding reporters. Share your content, start now by creating your free account! Support us now, Like us on Facebook & Follow us on Twitter

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