Apex Supports Children’s Summer Activities In East Belfast
Last Update: Thursday, 12th September 2019 13:31
The Scaffolding Project was delighted to receive funding from Apex Housing Association to enable the delivery of their summer food programme. The project works with local community organisations to support the provision of healthy snacks and lunches for children enjoying summer scheme activities.
The Scaffolding Project, through collaborative working, seeks to maximise resources and alleviate the effects of disadvantage in the local community. To date the Scaffolding Project has delivered various programmes such as summer food programmes, school uniform recycling initiatives and has carried out successful fund-raising activities.
Barbara Smith, Scaffolding Project Co-ordinator at EastSide Partnership said:
“Support from Apex Housing Association helped make the summer programme possible and we are grateful for their endorsement of the work of the project.â€
Rachael Power from Apex Housing Association said:
“It was a pleasure for us to support the provision of nutritious snacks and lunches for children in East Belfast taking part in summer activities. We know the young people involved had no trouble in working up an appetite, and we’re thrilled to have supported the Scaffolding Project in this way.â€
The parents of those who attended the summer schemes in East Belfast have been vocal about the difference it has made for them and their children:
“The children getting their lunch at summer scheme made it easier for us at home as things are a bit difficult lately.â€
“It was so good not to have to worry about lunches at summer scheme and it saved me money.â€
“Eating with friends encouraged my daughter to try foods she wouldn’t normally eat at home.â€
The support was made possible by ‘Housing for All’ funding which enables Apex to support community projects that address a good relations need in the local area.
To find out more information about the Scaffolding Project or to get involved visit www.eastsidepartnership.com/scaffoldingproject
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