Leaflet Distribution Belfast

Direct Mail - Mail Drop

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In short - Simply Belfast Don't Do Leaflets!

Here at Simply Belfast our aim is to help you plan an effective marketing stratedy on a budget. Putting your business centre-stage with our readers and we believe the best way of doing this in through our magazines.

At heart we are all the same, if a leaflet were to come through your door right now, what would you do with it?

It is more than likely that you might skim read it to determine its importance, but if you didn't need that product right there and then, in all likelihood the leaflet would go from the door mat straight to the recycle bin. Is that what you would do? Then why would the public be different? Leaflets. can serve a purpose if properly targeted but how do you target a need the customer may not yet have?

We used to allow leaflets to be distributed with our magazines but in truth residents and businesses see more value in magazines than a leaflet. They enjoy the local news and views, the crosswords and puzzles and the many brands they become familar with, with each passing edition. Our advice to any business is to build up brand awareness for your business, so when a customer needs a product or service you sell, your company name is the first that comes to mind

The benefit Simply Belfast Magazines provides to our advertisers simply outweighs the value of leafleting in terms of their design, their printing and in terms of delivery costs and how often have we had five of the same leaflet shoved through our doors

Our solution to leaflet distribution, direct mail and mail drops is to provide you with cost effective marketing solutions starting at less than you would pay for a coffee a day. We present your advertisements alongside other local brands and businesses, with a blend of other local, news or community content, geared at having residents and businesses hold onto and pass on our magazines, so you could benefit from a longer shelf life for your ad.

We recognise that times are hard for customers and businesses at present, so our advice to you is make sure your business is good value for money, that it maintains high visiblity with potential customers, that you maintain ongoing brand awareness and that you don't bury your head in the sand. Of course, you can commit to stand alone leafleting or choose local and stand together in our community focused Magazines - discover our exciting rates now!

Come join the community today - Simply Belfast, it's all about you!

Oh and ps: Simply Belfast don't do Leaflets!