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How to Get A Discount with Simply Belfast Magazines

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Book your ad with Simply Belfast Magazines

Premium pages

To make an impact on our readers, we offer five premium pages:
Inside front cover, Inside page 3, Double centrefold, Inside back cover & the Back cover

To discuss availability or to book your place on a premium pages, please call us

Local Magazines Advertising Packages

Whilst we recommend selecting a full page ad each month to increase your brand awareness, we have other great packages available. It's time to put your business centre-stage with Simply Belfast Magazines

TBC /from per issue
Quarter Page Ad
Full Colour
Royal Mail Delivered
T&C's Apply
TBC /from per issue
Full Page Ad
Full Colour
Royal Mail Delivered
T&C's Apply
TBC /from per issue
Half Page Ad
Full Colour
Royal Mail Delivered
T&C's Apply

The above prices exclude premium pages

  One Edition Single Discount Running Discount Cross Title Discount
Full Page £TBC £TBC £TBC £TBC
Half Page £TBC £TBC £TBC £TBC
Quarter Page £TBC £TBC £TBC £TBC

So How Do I Get The Discount?
For a single order discount - it's simple!
Simply advise us when booking, make your payment by the Discount Payment date on your invoice - then leaves the rest to us!

To avail of our Running Discount

Simply book your ad in at least 3 consecutive* issues of your chosen Simply Belfast Magazine Edition, decide how you wish to make payment eg monthly standing order, direct payment, cheque or cash, then make payment by the Discount Payment Date on your invoice/s - then leave the rest to us!.

*When space in the next consecutrive edition is unavailable you agree your ad can be bumped to the next available edition

Which package do we believe is best?

We recommend our 'Running Discount Package' One off advertising is a great means to promote particular products, deals, discounts, product launches and even to anhance your exposure but brand awareness is what its all about.

Whose name would YOU automatically think of if you needed a plumber, a hair stylish, a gardener or even a glazier?

Using our 'Running Discount Package' enhances your Brand Exposure so when the time comes and someone wants or needs your service, product or treat, yours could be the first name on their lips. Our great prices make it possible for small businesses and even micro traders to advertise all year round and promote their business. Want to market your business to your local community and reach potential news customers, then give us a call!

What Are Cross Title Discounts?

Our local Magazines Titles include: Simply Belfast Eastside Edition, Simply Belfast Northside Edition, Simply Belfast Southside Edition and Simply Belfast Westside Edition. The cross title discount simply applies when you book your ad into two or more of our magazines during the same period and you adhere to our payment terms. Our Cross Title Discount is designed to help you reach a larger audience for less!

Don't lose your space in the next edition Book your Simply Belfast Magazine Ad Now!

Important Information To Note

Your booking is subject to acceptance of our full terms, conditions and disclaimers. You are deemed to have accepted all terms by placing your booking.

Discounts are extended to assist you plan future advertising. Any discount offered is done so subject to terms and conditions, these include but are not limited to:

(i) Paying for your advertisement at the time of booking or within 7 days and not later than the due date on your invoice
(ii) That you payment clears prior to the due date on your invoice
(iii) That discounts become void for a series of ads, where the terms have been breached
Where you accept a discount offer but fail to abide by the appropriate terms and conditions you agree to the booking proceeding at the full price for that ad as advised or as advertised on our website, unless cancelled within the cancellation period.

You can pay for your booking in cash, by cheque, by direct debit / standing order and by debit or credit cards. Should you wish to pay by cash or cheque you should make your booking by phone, so payment arrnagements can be made.

Unless you have ordered and paid for a specific premium page your ad, regardless of size, will be placed within the magazine at our sole discretion. Whilst you may request your ad is placed on a specific non-premium page, we can not undertake to honour your request.

We operate on tight margins in order that you might benefit for great advertising solutions at cost effective prices. In order keep prices low, its up to you to abide by our terms and not ruin it for other advertisers.

Please read our full terms, conditions and disclaimers before making your booking as you are deemed to have accepted them in full by placing your booking.