Simply Belfast Terms, Conditions, Disclaimers and Policies

Simply Belfast Online Magazines

Simply Belfast - Content Terms for Online Magazines

Date of Last Revision: 27th March 2024

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Simply Belfast reserve the right, without any responsibility to the Advertiser, to reject, cancel or require an Advertisement to be amended, this includes but is not limited to advertisements which it considers unsuitable or contrary to these Terms.

The positioning of Advertisements within our magazines remains the sole remit and responsibility of Simply Belfast and whilst representations from an advertiser will be considered the decision regarding ad placements remains with Simply Belfast.

Simply Belfast may refuse to publish any Advertisement where the Advertiser fails to adhere to time limits, content guidelines or other stipulations.

Once an advertisement has been placed, the advertiser undertakes to supply all materials pertinent to their Advertisement in a timely manner and not later than the deadline specified during the booking. Any delay may lead to the advertisement being pulled, without notice and leave the advertiser liable for any costs incurred by the site.

Advertisers undertake to forward their ads in the appropriate format within the stated timescales. Where an advertiser wishes to have their ad amended the advertiser undertakes to make themselves available to proof the amended ad before the expiry of magazine deadlines or the expiry of time limits set as part of the booking. In the event where the advertiser places a booking with amendment instructions but subsequently becomes unavailable, the advertiser instructs Simply Belfast, using their own discretion to make a decision on whether to run the ad with the provided amendments, without proofing. In circumstances where Simply Belfast publish the ad, the advertiser indemnifies Simply Belfast for the ad and agrees to hold Simply Belfast free from all liability. Where Simply Belfast decide to pull the ad, the advertiser accepts they have no claim on Simply Belfast whatsoever. The advertiser agrees not to make promotional or merchandising reference to Simply Belfast in any way without our prior written permission in each and every instance.

The Advertiser Indemnifies & Guarantees To Simply Belfast That:

A All information supplied in connection with their Advertisement Booking, including Advertisement Copy, is accurate, complete, true and not misleading
B The Advertisement content is legal and decent
C The Advertisement content is honest / truthful and does not seek to make false or unproven representations
D The Advertisement is not contrary to the provisions of any applicable law, regulation or code of practice (See Advertising Standards Authority website)
E The Advertisement does not seek to imply endorsements which are not true
F The Advertisement does not seek to imply endorsements from Simply Belfast
G The Advertisement (image and/or content) will not prejudice the reputation of Simply Belfast
H The Advertisement does not infringe the Intellectual property rights (including copyright) of another person, company or organisation
I The Advertisement does not imply a false association, recommendation or endorsement from another person, company or organisation
J That all appropriate consents have been gained in relation to the Ad and its content
K Advertisements designed to mimmick the style of a Magazine editorial or that are not immediately identifiable as advertisements are not acceptable.
L The Advertiser indemnifies Simply Belfast against defamation, copyright or trademark infringement, misappropriation, unfair competition, violation of any rights of privacy or publicity, any breach of court order, any breach of ruling of regulatory body such as the ASA, any unfair commercial practice, misleading advertising, impermissible comparative advertising or from any and all other claims
M. That the Advertiser possesses the full legal authority to publish with us their ad, its content including any image both in print and online, both on our sites and publishing platforms, for a period set at the site's discretion.

Note: Publication of an Advertisement does not mean that Simply Belfast accepts the Advertisement has been provided in accordance with these Terms or that Simply Belfast has waived its rights under these Terms. Advertisers accept that Ad size falls slightly short of size indicated, for example to facilitate a page with 4 quarter page ads, it is necessary to place a border disguising and separating the four ads, this means the four ads fall slightly short of a quarter page of an A5 design. The same would apply to half page advertisement. With regards to full page ads, unless otherwise agreed in writing in advance of deadlines, the advertiser agrees to Simply Belfast making the decision on whether to place a border around the edges of the ad or on whether to extend the ad to the full extent of the page/s. Where an advertiser insists on the ad extending to the full page, they do so having accepted the risk that critical elements of their ad may be lost. In booking advertising, the advertiser accepts that the ad size will fall slightly short of notional size stated.

Advertising Restrictions

All advertising content is subject to size limitations, deadlines and restrictions.

Advertising Standards

Advertising in 'Simply Belfast' is accepted subject to terms, conditions and disclaimers which include an appropriate standard. Standards include: (i) ensuring that advertisement does not breach advertising legislation or seek to advertise products banned from advertising or promotion (ii) that the advert complies to any previous ruling by the Advertising Standards Authority (iii) that the advertisement is suitable for family viewing (iv) that the advert does not seek to use offensive language or seek to express offensive material in the form of innuendo (v) that no advert contains sexual material or reference such material (vi) that the advert does not make false or misleading statements, editorial or comment (vii) that all claims contained within the advert can be substantiated to the satisfaction of 'Simply Belfast' before publication (where an ad has already been published that the advertiser holds Simply Belfast harmless and indemnifies us against all claims) (viii) that the advert contains no reference to competitions, lotteries, raffles, premium phone lines or any get rich schemes (including pyramid schemes) (ix) that the advertisement does not seek to represent their enterprise, trade or business as part of 'Simply Belfast' (x) that the advertisement provides valid contact details and complies with legal requirements such as displaying your company's legal status (e.g. limited company status and company number).

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