Simply Belfast Online Magazines
Simply Belfast - Discounted Terms for Online Magazines
Date of Last Revision: 27th March 2024
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Simply Belfast loves to treat our advertising clients to the best prices, which includes offering discounts. In placing advertising with us advertisers agree to pay promptly and not later than the Account Payable date but you can also avail of our discounts in your purchase of single or multiple ads:
Single Ads
1. You make full payment at the time of booking
2. You make full payment before Discount Payment Date expires
Mutiple Ads
3. You make full payment at the time of booking or before Discount Payment Date expires
4. You make full payment for initial ad and set up a standing order for ongoing ads
5. You make full payment for initial ad and pay for each subsequent ad before the expiry of the Discount Payment Date on the invoice
Cross Title Ads (where applicable)
6. You make full payment at the time of booking or before Discount Payment Date expires
7. You make full payment for initial ad/s and set up a standing order for ongoing ads
8. You make full payment for initial ad/s and pay for each subsequent ad or ad set before the expiry of the Discount Payment Date on the invoice
In circumstances where an advertiser changes, breaks or does not keep to the conditions governing the discounted price, the discount becomes void and advertisers accept that their ads become chargeable at the full published price on the date of the breach or change. Any ads already published and paid for at the discounted rate will be reassessed and an invoice raised for the balance owing. In circumstances where Simply Belfast is unable to publish a particular edition chosen by an Advertiser, alternative dates will be offered, should an Advertiser chose not to proceed with their additional booking the initial discount will be lost and an invoice raised for any outstanding balance.
In circumstances where Simply Belfast cannot offer alternative dates for any subsequent ad to be run, Simply Belfast will maintain the discount on all ads already published. The remainder of the booking will then be cancelled in line with these terms. The advertiser undertakes to settle any outstanding account by the Discount Payable Date. Where the advertiser has paid in advance, the advertiser agrees that Simply Belfast has 28 days in which to return any balance and that in so doing Simply Belfast has discharged its full obligations under these terms, accepting that this closes the matter in full and holding Simply Belfast free of any other claim or harm, this being the agreed and only remedy available.
Advertising Terms Index | Advertisement Content | Submitting Your Ad | Payment Terms | Discount Terms | Cancellation Terms | Disclaimers