Simply Belfast Online Magazines
Simply Belfast - Cancellation Terms for Online Magazines
Date of Last Revision: 27th March 2024
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Simply Belfast reserve the right to pull a publication without notice in circumstances, including but not limited to, insufficient advertising content, insufficient story content, deadlines missed by one or more advertisers or issues with suppliers. In such circumstances, advertisers will be advised as soon as practical that their chosen publication is not proceeding. The advertiser accepts in such circumstances they have no claim on Simply Belfast. Advertisers are advised to submit advertisments which have no time element within them and which could be used in a subsequent publication should their's be cancelled. Whilst we do not offer advice on ad content, advertisers should be aware that ads with offers may need a time element to limit their liability. However, in proceeding to place their ad the advertiser accepts the possibility that the magazine in which they place their ad may be cancelled and agrees that no claim can be made against Simply Belfast for either the cancellation or the cost associated with the design of their ad.
As each of our publications have their own submission deadlines and printing deadlines the cancellation period for an Advertisement varies accordingly. However, during the booking process will aim to advise each Advertiser of their submission deadline. This can also be requested by contacting Simply Belfast by phone or email. Advertisers may not make changes in, advertising after the submission dates of the Magazine have passed.
An Advertiser may cancel their Advertisement not later than the submission deadline and must do so by phonecall to ensure there is no confusion.
Where an Advertiser is insolvent, bankrupt or enters administration Simply Belfast may treat their order as cancelled.
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