Simply Belfast Online Magazines
Simply Belfast - Disclaimers for Online Magazines
Date of Last Revision: 27th March 2024
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No responsibility is accepted by Simply Belfast for:
1 Advertisers who fail to submit their ads or who fail to submit their ads on time
2 Advertisers who fail to submit their ads in the appropriate formats or size
3 Advertiser's ads that require work, but were such work has not been booked in advance
4 Any interruption or delay to Simply Belfast services, including online accessibility or services
5 Any difficulty the Advertiser experiences in delivering any Advertisement Copy
6 For any loss or damage to any Advertisement copy and/or any other materials. Advertisers should retain secure copies of all such materials
7 Cannot guarantee that the Advertisement will be of the same quality, as the ad sent, although reasonable care will be taken to reproduce Advertisements
8 Cannot guarantee the time and dates of delivery
9 Cannot guarantee the position of Advertisements other than premium pages
10 Do not accept responsibility for checking or proofing reading submitted advertisements
11 Do not accept responsibility for any additions to, changes in, deletions from, advertisement copy
12 Do not accept responsibility for delays in publication
13 Do not accept responsibility for withdrawal of any Advertisements required by any regulation authority such as the ASA
14 Do not accept responsibility for withdrawal of any Advertisements where we reasonably believe it breaks our Terms or would damage our reputation
15 Do not accept responsibility for withdrawal of any Advertisements we believe would cause offence
16 Where an Advertisement is booked but due to an error is not published, the ad is considered to be canceled by the advertiser. This shall be the Advertiser's sole remedy for failure to publish the advertisement.
17 Where an ad supplied to Simply Belfast from the Advertiser contains a substantial error, the Advertiser will
have no recourse having supplied the offending material
18 Where an ad supplied to Simply Belfast from the Advertiser, for editing, contains when printed a substantial
error, the Advertiser will have no recourse if the Advertiser was responsible for proofing the ad and either
failed to do so within time scales or failed to do so period or approved the offending copy.
19 Where an ad supplied to Simply Belfast from the Advertiser, for editing, contains when printed a substantial
error due to a mistake by Simply Belfast, on request we will re-publish the Advertisement where possible. However
Simply Belfast shall not be responsible for repetition of the same errors and it is the Advertiser's responsibility
to inform Simply Belfast of any errors and provide any necessary assistance to prevent a repeat of the error/s
20 Under no circumstances will Simply Belfast be responsible, for any (actual or perceived) loss of profit, loss
of reputation, loss of opportunity, loss of goodwill, loss of anticipated saving, loss of revenue and/or any other
loss arising as a s result of the relationship between Simply Belfast and the Advertiser and the Advertiser
accepts when entering into such a relationship, without exception, that Simply Belfast's maximum total liability
for any loss or damage, perceived or otherwise, arising out of or in relation to any Advertisement placed, whether
in contract, tort or otherwise shall not exceed the total amount of the charges for the relevant Advertisement
actually paid by or on behalf of the Advertiser, which for this offer is NIL.
21 Nothing in these Terms shall affect the statutory rights of an Advertiser
22 The Advertiser upon placing their order consents to hold harmless and fully reimburse Simply Belfast for all
claims, losses or expenses arising as a result of any breach or failure to perform any of these Terms, including
but not limited to Breach of Advertising regulations / laws, Breach of another's Intellectual or copyrights.
23 The Advertiser grants Simply Belfast the right (free of charge) to use the Advertiser's name, trade marks and/or
logos and Ad as necessary for the purpose of publishing their Ad
24 The Advertiser grants Simply Belfast the right (free of charge) to use the Advertiser's name, trade marks and/or
logos and Ad as necessary for the purpose of publishing their Ad and accept that their Ad, where included in an
online publication, will remain available online, within the magazine, at the absolute discretion of
Simply Belfast.
25 The Advertiser grants Simply Belfast the right (free of charge) to use the Advertiser's name, trade marks
and/or logos and Ad as necessary for the purpose of publishing their Ad and accept that their Ad, where included
in an online publication, will remain available online, within the magazine, at the absolute discretion of Simply
Business advertisers accept full responsibility for protecting and enforcing their own copyright, intellectual property rights and trademarks. Business advertisers should include in their advertisement a copyright, trademark, or other statement where they deem appropriate. Business advertisers accept full responsibility and liability for the content of their submission and accept through the placement of their advertisement that they agree to be bound by the copyright statements, general terms, conditions, disclaimer and policies listed in our terms.
Disclaimer - Advertising
'Simply Belfast' declines liability and reserves the right to void the client's contract, where the client, their agent or another party through bad faith or criminality make it impossible to perform the contract. 'Simply Belfast' does not accept liability for any loss or damage financial or otherwise and reserves the right to prosecute such action without providing notice.
'Simply Belfast' does not guarantee advertising space nor a publication or distribution date. The Advertiser must accept that 'Simply Belfast' disclaims all liability financial or otherwise in such circumstances.
No liability for financial charges, financial loss, damage or any other claims are accepted by 'Simply Belfast'. The information provided in 'Simply Belfast' is done so in good faith and whilst best efforts are used to ensure accuracy at the time of publication, information by its very nature may change more quickly than our ability to keep pace, in addition errors can occur from time to time in transcribing such information.
No liability for financial charges, financial loss, damage or any other claims are accepted by 'Simply Belfast'. Where 'Simply Belfast' suffers from issues outside our control such as missed deadlines, third party service issues, publication issues, distribution issues or any other issue, 'Simply Belfast' decline liability for loss or damage and as such no monies nor compensation, will be owing.
Clients are encouraged to keep a backup of their own material as such loss will not be compensated for. Clients should keep copies of their own ads etc. as upon completion of our contract ads are deleted and no backup is kept, it remains the client responsibility to retain a copy of their own advertisements.
'Simply Belfast' reserves the right to refuse to carry features, articles, adverts or other articles without notice and without furnishing reasons. 'Simply Belfast' reserves the right to decline advertising where such advertising is in bad taste, is contrary to the 'Simply Belfast' mission statement or beliefs. 'Simply Belfast' will not carry material which encourages discrimination or prejudice against others. 'Simply Belfast' further reserves the right to refuse to carry adverts from companies who have had court ruling against them in the past ten years.
At no stage does 'Simply Belfast' promote your business, act as your agent, endorse you products or services or allow you, as either a user or an advertiser, to represent your business, trade, product or service, as being endorsed by 'Simply Belfast' or representing your relationship with 'Simply Belfast' to your customer, client, service provider or third party, any higher than the relationship of Advertiser.
'Simply Belfast' makes no guarantees to the advertiser on any issue, other than the publication of their advertisement which is subject to terms, conditions, disclaimers, service provisions and legal liabilities. In providing the advertisement 'Simply Belfast' make no guarantees to any user, including advertisers, to display any other material in 'Simply Belfast', all material and content in 'Simply Belfast' is provided strictly at the discretion of 'Simply Belfast'.
'Simply Belfast' is an A5 magazine with six local editions, including: Simply Belfast Eastside Edition, Simply Belfast Southside Edition, Simply Belfast Northside Edition, Simply Belfast South East Edition and Simply Belfast Westside Edition. The number of pages in each edition of the 'Simply Belfast' is at the sole discretion of Simply Belfast. Advertisers should be aware that the numbers of pages in each edition may either go up to facilitate more advertising content or may go down should advertising content fall. The advertising, content balance is at the sole discretion of Simply Belfast as is the nature of the content such as editorials, stories or articles. The placement of ads alongside other content is completely coincidental, as such the advertiser agrees to hold Simply Belfast blameless in circumstances where their ad sits alongside content with which they take exception or where they perceive or believe the content to have damaged their business or caused loss perceived or otherwise. In circumstances were Simply Belfast increase or decrease the magazine size, advertisers accept that no notice of this will be provided to them and consent to their advertising content being placed in a magazine, the number of pages of which is at the sole discretion of Simply Belfast. Popular local magazine sizes include 32 pages, 48 pages or 64 pages
The online editions of the 'Simply Belfast' magazines will be made available on our sites, publishing platforms and where possible promoted on social media such as Facebook and Twitter. As the magazine is published on the 'Simply Belfast Group' of sites and may be displayed on a third party site, advertisers consent by placing their ad to their ad being made available in this format, hosted both on our sites and where applicable on third party sites. In proceeding, advertisers are deemed to provide permission for their advertisement to be displayed in accordance with these Terms and where applicable on other third party sites not owned by the 'Simply Belfast Group'.
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