Simply Belfast Online Magazines
Simply Belfast - Submitting Your Ads to Online Magazines
Date of Last Revision: 27th March 2024
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All advertisements should be submitted in a timely manner after booking magazine space. Unless otherwise arranged, all advertisements should be forwarded to Simply Belfast by email. Advertisements must meet technical specifications including format and size. Advertisers agree when booking advertising space to meet these specifications. Where advertisers fail to meet these specifications they agee that Simply Belfast can refuse to publish their ad without redress. If work is required to amend an advertisement advertisers must complete this within set deadlines, although in some cases Simply Belfast may make minor changes free of change. The advertiser agrees to Simply Belfast making minor changes at its discretion. For technical specifications including formats and sizes please see marketing pages.
Advertisers Obligations
The Advertiser warrants that in relation to their advertisement or amended advertisement:
(i) that publication of such Advertisement or its reproduction will not breach any contract, legislation, copyright, trademark, proprietary right or render 'Simply Belfast' liable to any proceeding whatsoever (ii) where an advertisement is of a financial nature or financial promotion that the Advertiser ensured that any necessary approvals have been sought, from an authorised person within the meaning of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 and related legislation. (iii) The advertiser permits 'Simply Belfast' permission to reproduce all material submitted and reproduce to other parts of 'Simply Belfast' including other websites in the group or other publishing sites used by 'Simply Belfast'. (iv) The Advertiser agrees to check the correctness, accuracy and integrity of the Advertisement, within 48 hours of a request from 'Simply Belfast' or 'As Requested' by 'Simply Belfast' should a publication deadline be looming. The Advertiser undertakes to report any errors, omission or mistakes to Simply Belfast immediately upon discovery. (v) The Advertiser will indemnify 'Simply Belfast' and keep it indemnified against all claims, costs, proceedings, demands, losses, damages, expenses or liability whatsoever incurred by 'Simply Belfast' arising directly or reasonably foreseeable as a result of any breach or non-performance by the Advertiser (vi) All material contained in 'Simply Belfast' is published in good faith and 'Simply Belfast' does not in any circumstances accept responsibility for the accuracy of any Advertisement or content published or its compliance with any legal or regulatory requirements (nor is any kind of warranty expressed or implied by such publication). (vii) 'The site' specifically disclaims all and any liability to the advertiser or users of any kind for loss or damage of any nature whatsoever and however arising, whether due to inaccuracy, error, omission, cancellation or any other cause, and whether on the part of 'Simply Belfast' or its employees including agents or any other person. Under no circumstances shall 'Simply Belfast' be liable to the Advertiser or any other party for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind, including, without limitation, those resulting from loss of sales, loss of goodwill, loss of profits, whether or not 'Simply Belfast' was advised of the possibility of such losses. In all other respects, 'Simply Belfast' liability shall be limited to either (a) placement of a new advertisement the same or similar to the advertisement originally booked or (b) the amount paid by the advertiser.
Further obligations which the advertiser must accept before instructing 'Simply Belfast' to carry their advertisement include: (i) the advertiser is solely responsible for the content of their advertisement (ii) responsibility for the advertisement's accuracy rests solely with the advertiser (iii) the advertiser is solely responsible for the message contained within their advertisement and accepts 'Simply Belfast' is not in any way liable for advising the advertiser as to content, language, layout, legislation or any matter pertaining to their business, its operation or any other issue, including the publication of information which might breach security. The advertiser accepts that where such matters arise in discussion, that 'Simply Belfast' does not extend any views on these matters as domain experts and the explicit advice of 'Simply Belfast' is that an advertiser should seek professional advice on such issues at their own expense, before approving or authorising 'Simply Belfast' to publish such material. All liability rests with the Advertiser.
In circumstances where 'Simply Belfast' assists the advertiser compile their ad, this will be with their direct instruction. As such it remains the advertiser's responsibility and liability to ensure the integrity of all aspects of their advertisement. This will include but is not limited to: content, accuracy, legality, legislation, intellectual property rights, copyright, trademarks & logos. During the period of set-up and publication the advertiser extends to 'Simply Belfast' full legal authority to copy, duplicate, amend, resize and in every aspect rework the material provided for publication and in providing 'Simply Belfast' with this material, the advertiser is deemed to have informed 'Simply Belfast' that full ownership and/or rights rests with them. The advertiser becomes liable to 'Simply Belfast' and any other damaged third party, for damages, compensation full legal & other costs, where it becomes apparent or it is discovered that ownership and/or rights for such material does not rest with the advertiser or that the advertiser acted in bad faith in the supply and/or publication of such material.
Advertisers and/or their agents, submitting advertising or promotional material for publication in 'Simply Belfast' are solely responsible for that material. Their obligations includes but is not limited to ensuring that such content complies with all applicable terms, conditions, disclaimers, legislation and regulations. 'Simply Belfast' strictly disclaims all liability and responsibility for all such material.
The advertiser should: (i) agree with 'Simply Belfast' the period of their advertisement, the date of commencement and conclusion (ii) ensure the content is supplied to 'Simply Belfast' in a timely manner, to required specifications (iii) the advertiser agrees to forfeit the ad, where the submission of their ad is delayed.
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